By Way of Introduction to all concerned:
There are 390 million people in America and they all have problems. You are all grown ups and have to move forward together to solve the problems set before us all. We have to seek peace knowing that no peace can exist without justice.
Our diligent research of many years duration proves beyond any rational doubt that our lawful government has been usurped by "governmental services corporations" in the business of selling us -- guess what? More governmental services. In the process they have set up a web of deceits and false legal claims designed to support and expedite their racketeering and use of armed force to make us buy and pay for more and more and more "governmental services".
Obamacare is only a recent and obvious example.
The time has now come for Americans to wake up, restore their lawful government on the land, enforce the Organic and Public Law of this country and put the facts before all people, including our own.
These wrongs have been visited upon us in the international jurisdiction of the sea as a result of gross breach of trust by our international Trustee in that jurisdiction, the British Monarch, who has been in Breach of Trust with respect to the British people, the Americans, the Canadians, and the Australians for 150 years.
These are old frauds that have gone unnoticed and quietly perpetuated for generations so that they have accrued a patina of acceptability. We are told, "That's the way we do things. That's the way we've always done things." -- but according to massive amounts of public records worldwide, that simply is not true.
There are many people who have caught onto bits and pieces of this gigantic fraud and they have sounded the alarm. There are others who have misinterpreted such evidence and through ignorance have promoted their own pet theory without bothering to examine the rest of "the forest of lies" we are faced with.
My job here is to present you with the facts. Of course, I often add my own reasoning or opinion about the facts and you are welcome to disagree.
That said, I have work to do and a life to lead. I am not available to consult about individual court cases unless they present sweeping public interest issues that impact all of us.
I am also not here to argue with you about anything. If you have verifiable facts bring them forward; if not, there is no point in ranting at me as if I created this mess or am responsible for anyone else's inaction.
I am not your public servant.
I am not offering to "represent" you in any manner whatsoever apart from the fact that I am one of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" and whatever good I do for myself in my own behalf also accrues to all those others who are "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" by Maxim of Law and the requirements of our Organic Law which provides equal protection.
I am not an Oathkeeper nor Oath Breaker, either. I do my best to say yes or no and claim nothing more.
I am not a guru, Angel, devil, lawyer, etc., etc.,
I am a Great-grandma from Big Lake, Alaska, who can read and think like millions of other Americans and for whatever reasons-- mostly a 17 year-long battle with the IRS--I decided to research the mess this country is in and how we got here.
The bare bones of that research and our resulting claim against the British Crown, various national governments, the American Bar Association, and at least five international banking cartels is presented in our sworn and published affidavit: "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" available on for around $20.
Get it on Amazon Here.
I am not involved in the marketing, printing or distribution and receive a whopping 5% of the profit, whatever it is.
Read the affidavit and do your own due diligence to research the facts before you come to me with any ASSumptions.
Thank you, very much.
Judge Anna
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